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Day 20: a Tangled relationship. #AToZChallenge

April 23, 2024

Hi readers:

Welcome to day 20 of my April A to Z blog challenge posts. To find out more about the challenge, go here:

I got the idea for this poem from a writing prompt about broken family relationships. I don’t remember where I got the prompt from.

I wrote this from the perspective of a woman who had a falling out with a member of her family. She wants to heal the breach, but on the other hand, she’s not sure if she wants to or would be able to heal it.

This poem could be about any kind of relationship that might get tangled up … siblings, child and parent, cousins, or even the best of friends who lost their way. When hurtful words are said, damage is done that may take a long time, even a lifetime, to heal.

Here is today’s poem:

She  loves him , but she pushes away.
He is dear to her, but she keeps aloof.
She  wants to draw closer … but she  doesn’t,
Something always seems to hold her back.

She  thinks of visiting him, but then,
A mass of conflicting emotions rises up,
And it’s easier to keep her distance from him
Than it is to deal with it all.

They  hurt each other, years ago,
Things said, things intended,
And she  accepts her fair share of the blame,
But only her share, not all of it.

She forgave him from her heart,
But somehow, she can’t forget.
She wants to talk it over with him
But she fears that he won’t listen to her.

She wonders if she is better off
Just leaving  things as they are,
Rather than stirring them up again
And possibly making it worse.

She wishes to understand and to change
The way her emotions react around him.
If only they could get to know each other
As if they had never met before!

For he can’t know how much she  cares
If she doesn’t reach out to him,
And the relationship cannot be mended
Unless they are both willing to try.

Why is it that those we love the most
Are the ones we hurt most deeply?
It’s easy to say "just let go of the past" …
But it’s much, much harder to do!

song of the day:
I couldn’t think of any song that would go with this, so I chose one about another sort of mixed-up relationship.
I hate you then I love you:
Love from,
Rishie and the Virtual Family.

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