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Day 23: Writer’s Block. #AToZChallenge

April 27, 2024

Hi readers:

Welcome to day 23 of my April A to Z blog challenge posts. To find out more about the challenge, go here:

I wrote about writer’s block for one of last year’s posts and I’m doing it again this year. As I have mentioned before, I had writer’s block from the start of January till almost the end of march. It is such a helpless feeling, having a desire to write and not being able to come up with anything.  I was celebrating when I finally found that I could write again. Woohoo!

Even though I hated having writer’s block, I learned something from the experience. The ability to write is a gift that God gives. All our gifts and talents and abilities, they all come from him. He gives us gifts, not just for our enjoyment, but so that we can use those gifts to glorify him. I needed to remember that and get my heart right before him. Now that I can write again, I give him thanks for the ability and pray that I will use it as he wants me to.

Here is today’s poem:

Where did those days go? When words
Used to fly onto the page, my fingers tapping,
When ideas, like lights, led my way
To poems written and blog posts prepared.

What happened to my inspiration? When did it
Stop grabbing my attention at odd times,
Demanding that I write down the poem or story idea,
Before it drifted too far away for me to reach?

Now I read through pages of ideas and prompts,
Each one is kindling, waiting for the right spark,
But for me right now, they look like piles of ashes,
Cold, without the faintest ember.

My one comfort is that I am not alone,
Many others are dealing with this same emptiness,
The blank page, the new document, the empty place
Where our writing inspiration used to be. 

But  I trust God, who enabled me to write
Will bless me, if it is his will,
With new seeds, ideas and inspirations,
That will grow, blossom and bear fruit.

song of the day:
This song relates more to what I was saying in the introduction than to the poem itself. It’s a nice song and a good reminder.

When I let it go:

Love from,
Rishie and the Virtual Family.

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One Comment
  1. As someone who has experienced writer’s block for months, and writer’s burnout for a good portion of a year, I appreciate your post and your poem. Thank you!


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